Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Compassion from Wal-Mart... Target, not so much...

I just got off the phone with managers from Wal-Mart and Target here in Manhattan. We aren't home free yet. Unfortunately, Target doesn't allow "solicitation" under any circumstances; not even when it involves helping those dying of genocide. I couldn't even finish what I was saying without the manager interrupting me and adamantly proclaiming that they "just don't allow that"; sounded like he had more important things to do. When asked why Santa was allowed to stand outside and "solicit" for change in December, I was told they don't allow that either (which I swear I've seen that red clad man ringing a bell asking for my change when I happen to find my way to target around Christmas time). If an organization as esteemed and established as the Salvation Army can't even break Target's callous facade, I think we may be out of luck here folks; but we will keep trying!
(After further research I found this article as well as this one dealing with Target's decision to ban the Salvation Army from gathering donations outside their stores.)

As for Wal-Mart, the manager was very helpful and instructed me on what I needed to do to meet our goal. Sometime within the next couple days we need to fill out an application if we want to receive a donation from them and be able to spread the word and gather donations from locals at their store. It's not much, but it's a start.

Just to put things into perspective:

Target annual revenue (2006) - $52.6 Billion

Wal-Mart annual revenue (2006) - $315.6 Billion

Target also donates double what Wal-Mart donates to charity; 2% of their annual earnings compared to 1%. See it here.

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