Friday, November 03, 2006

Donation from Wal-Mart

This morning I woke up to a call from Wal-Mart. They've approved our donation request - they're giving us a $25 gift card. I'm supposed to go pick it up whenever I have time; I'll try to swing by there on Monday.

We're still talking to local businesses around the Manhattan area and in Aggieville to see if they will let us have a donation event on either Nov. 11th or the 18th. So keep a look out for us! Also, we will be having an event in the Union Courtyard on November 13th. Along with a table where you can donate and/or get more information about our cause here in Manhattan, there will be a few African students present to talk about the crisis and answer any questions. Hope to see you all there!!

1 comment:

bejarana said...

Wal-Mart corp could do much better on "giving back" given that they exploit many impoverished international communities with their corporate policies. Gotta love those rollbacks, right? I've seen on their wall that they've given $500 and $1000 to various local charities. It just saddens me a little when I think about $25 to a huge international humanitarian crisis while the local T-ball team gets $1000. I guess they've got to maintain that "community-friendly business" image somehow...